Mzilikazi Cultural Festival is an annual event!!

Innocent Hadebe


Washington Jamela

Treasurer General

Harmony Ndabeni

Lead Fundraiser

Mzilikazi Cultural

Join us for a vibrant celebration of Ndebele traditions and heritage at the annual Mzilikazi Cultural Festival. Experience the rich






is an annual cultural event

Atlanta, GA,

Chicago, IL,

Indianapolis, IN,

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Mzilikazi

The Mzilikazi Cultural Festival is an annual event that showcases the culture and traditions of the Ndebele

How often does the Mzilikazi

The Mzilikazi Cultural Festival is an annual event that takes place once a year. It is a social gathering where people can share their culture and preserve their

Who can participate in the

The Mzilikazi Cultural Festival is open to everyone, including the

How does the

The Mzilikazi Cultural Festival works to develop individual self-sufficiency through culturally sensitive services. It also

Where does the Mzilikazi

The Mzilikazi Cultural Festival takes place in Matebeleland, Zimbabwe. It is a local event that aims to connect the people of the region and celebrate their culture.